Sony Corporation is a Japanese multinational conglonerate corporation headquarted in Tokoyo,Japan.Finally Sony Stepup into Android with two new Honeycomb tablets(S1 & S2) designed for different users.The first one is the
Qriocity-focused 9.4-inch S1 media tablet with both front and rear facing cameras and look like folded magazine from rear.The S1 tablet features 9.4 inch display, nVIDIA Tegra 2 processor, Wi-Fi, 3G/4G support,aTegra 2Soc,Quick and Smooth touch panel UI with "Swift" web browser.This device also be used as a remote control for sony Gear.

Move to second Tablet is the
dual screen S2 each sizing up at 5.5-inch driving a resolution of 1,024 x 480 pixel display, Tegra 2 SoC and camera.The special feature of this tablet that it can fit in any pocket,when folded.Sony take advantages of the dual screen with UI layout for Split-keyboard,Split-reader and messaging display for emails,split display and game controllers for PS One gaming.

Both the new sony S1 & S2 tablets are Playstation certified,support DLNA ,WiFi and 3G/4G compatible according to Sony.
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