Thursday, March 31, 2011

April Fool..Hahhaha

hai readers. hari ni bapa hari bulan ek. 1 april lah kan. tahu tak selalu hari ini orang buat ape. mesti ramai orang nak pekena orang, dan ramai orang dikenakan..hahhahah. April Fool..April fool ni sebenarnya hari untuk melawak atau bergembira. ia bukan hari cuti tapi disambut oleh sesetengah orang seperti di negara New Zealand, Ireland, UK, Australia, Japan dan banyak lagi lah..

Bagi sesiapa nak pekena orang tu, hari ni jelah yang boleh dan rancak pun. heheheh hari len rasanya dah biasa..sebab xleh kata "APRIL FOOLLLL"..hahha. tapi pekena orang xbaik tau. nanti sedih plak kawan kita tu..huhuhu..Kalau nak diikutkan, Islam melarang umatnya pekena orang.huhu..So, pada sesiapa yang dah buat fool atau joke yang melebih-lebih, baik korang mintak maaf k..hehehe..

April fool ni gembirakan orang ke sedihkan orang ye yang banyaknye..hehehe..FB nak tanya korang lah. boleh tak ek bagi jawapan..mesti ada yang gembira dan mesti ada yang sedih kan..betul kan..hehehe

*FB tak sempat April FOollllL pun lagi nih..ehhehehe

Anda Baca Fahmi Suka~~

HTC Thunderbolt of Verizon Wireless review

At a quick glance, without any background information, your eyes might tell you that the HTC Thunderbolt  from Verizon Wireless is little more than a Verizon remake of Sprint's EVO 4G and AT&T's Inspire 4G. After all -- like its contemporaries -- the Thunderbolt features a spacious 4.3-inch WVGA display, 8 megapixel camera, and dual-LED flash. In reality, though, the Thunderbolt is something more

Verizon Wireless drops XOOM and Galaxy Tab activation fee

Verizon Wireless iPad 2 already does not come with any form of tablet activation fee, so it makes perfect sense for the XOOM and Verizon wireless Galaxy Tab to follow as well - which means the mobile provider has also gotten rid of the additional $35 one has to fork out whenever they sign up for a data plan on either the XOOM or Galaxy Tab. Needless to say, one can more or less assume that future

Verizon sells Galaxy Tab for $599.99

Well, we finally have a price on this thing! America's largest carrier Verizon Wireless  has announced plans to sell Samsung's Galaxy Tab for... $599.99. The 3G, Android 2.2-based unit (which will be loaded with V CAST apps, of course) will hit retail on November 11th, and since it's being sold at full price, a data plan (which starts at $20 per month for 1GB) is completely optional. It looks

Proton Satria 4 pintu

hai readers..em sapa dah ada kereta ek..FB nak pinjam boleh tak? hehehe..bagi remaja mcm FB ni (remaja ker), mesti suka kereta sporty kan. lelaki semestinya. betul tak? em satria keta malaysia yang menjadi kegilaan ramai muda mudi di Malaysia. yg baru ke 2ndhand ke, bercambak kat atas jalan..kan kan..

tapiiii, proton satria 2 pintu je kan..stengah orang mesti tak suka sangat kan. tapi setengah orang mesti lagi suka. sebabnya baru nampak sporty. betul tak. tapi korang pernak tak bayangkan macamna rupa satria 4 pintu..emmmmmmmmmmm..macam keta mana ek. myvi? swift? mungkinkah?? hahahah..

kalau 4 pintu, mesti orang dah bkeluarga mahu beli kan. confirm punyalah..sporty tetap sporty, macam latio kat bawah ni..bentuk lebih kurang satria kan..emm bagi pendapat FB, FB lebih suka satria 4 pintu..jangan marahhhh..hehehe

*macamna pendapatkan korang. tinggalkan comment ye..hehehehe

Ipad 2 Wireless Mirroring

Ipad 2 Wireless Mirroring ...

Ipad 2 Mirroring is so cool trick. I hope its will be helpful for our presentation techniques. So, let's see how it is possible...

keyword terhangat masa kini..

hai reader..apa yang hangat apa panas.. haa ni FB nak cerita sikit. bagi blog yang mahukan trafik, entry mestlah menarik. betul tak? macamna entry tu nak jadi menarik ye. hehe. jawapan mest KEYWORD kan..

ye betul. keyword adalah benda basic yang paling penting utk blogger-blogger baru macam FB ni. utk yang expert pun sama.hehe..tapi keyword apa ye yang terhangat ni. kalau korang pergi mana-manapun, mesti akan nampak blog cerita pasal trafik. macam FB ni..hehhe.."TRAFIK" lah adalah keyword penting. tak caya. tengok gambar bawah. di Innit ramai orang nang it blog yang ada perkataan trafik. terbukti!

bukan TRAFIK je, "TIPS" "LANGKAH" "TUTORIAL"  pun adalah keyword terpanas untuk blogger. macam FB ni, FB tak bagi banyak tips pun, tapi cuma ceritakan pasal benda apa buat trafik naik. kita tak semestinya bagi tahu tip1 tip 2 dan 3. just mentioned pun boleh.. FIKIR ok.hehehhe

Anda Baca Fahmi Suka~~

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cara tingkatkan trafik blog dari seluruh dunia..

hai readers..camna trafik hari ini. dah banyak ke. FB ada lah sikit-sikit cukup makan. korang nak trafik masuk blog korang tak? mestilah nak kan. tapi macamna caranya? apa yang membuatkan blog itu popular ye?

FB ni nak cakap popular tak lah. tapi FB selalu cari-cari tips pasal nak tingkatkan trafik blog kita..bercambak blog pasal tingkatkan trafik blog kita. kadang-kadang orang taip keyword "tingkatkan trafik blog" je. tu pun dah ramai trafik masuk. macam FB ni, cita pasal idea tingkatkan trafik je. tapi tips tak ada sangat pun.hehe. tapi apa yang penting keyword. betul x??

emm kalau keyword menarik tapi kita tak sebarkan atau ping blog kita, tak kemana jugak. kita mesti buat orang ramai tahu. pastu orang ramai tadi akan beritahu orang plak. tak ke ramai ribu-ribu trafik boleh masuk. tapi kena tag lah. kalau tidak, tak kemana jugak kan..hehehhe..

so kat sini FB nak sarankan, keyword yang penting. "tingakatkan trafik" "tips" " cara-cara" " tutorial"  antara keyword paling glamor sekali. tak caya korang try..hehehe

Anda Baca Fahmi Suka~~

Tips membeli kereta terpakai..

hai readers..FB ada sedikit info dan tips kepada siapa yang mahu mencari kerete terpakai. sebelum kita beli mesti kita ken atahu performance dan ok ke tak. walaupun secondhand, nak juga rasa berbaloi. betul tips dia.

Badan kereta yang cantik dan cat berkilat tidak semestinya kereta terpakai yang ingin anda beli itu dalam keadaan baik terutama bahagian enjin.

Langkah pertama buka penutup depan untuk melihat enjinnya. Enjin kereta itu sepatutnya bersih, tetapi tidak semestinya sampai berkilat.

Kemudian duduk di tempat duduk kereta itu dan cuba rasakan keselesaannya. Kereta yang anda pilih mestilah sesuai dan selesa untuk anda. Steringnya mestilah hanya dapat digerakkan dalam jarak dua inci pada keadaan biasa dan tidak ada sebarang bunyi apabila memusingkannya.

Periksa penyelaras tempat duduk, kunci pintu, penaik cermin tingkap, hon, lampu, lampu isyarat, radio dan semua kelengkapan yang ada. Sesetengahnya mungkin tidak penting, tetapi ia mungkin dapat menunjukkan kepada anda bagaimana kereta itu dijaga.
? SELEPAS itu hidupkan enjin. Ia sepatutnya hidup dengan cepat dan kemudian beransur-ansur perlahan. Biarkan selama satu atau dua saat sebelum anda menekan pedal minyak. Lihat asap yang keluar di belakang. Asap biru bermakna enjin dioverhaul sepenuhnya. Jika asap hitam bermakna karburatornya tidak sesuai.

Asap putih tidak menandakan kecacatan apa-apa jika enjin dalam keadaan sejuk, tetapi jika enjin telah panas ini bermakna kepala gasket bocor. Ini memerlukan perbelanjaan yang besar. Oleh itu jangan beli kereta itu. Enjin yang kuat bergegar juga menunjukkan kereta itu tidak begitu baik untuk dibeli. Setelah enjin dipanaskan, matikan sekejap dan cuba anda sapu jari anda ke dalam ekzos (pastikan ekzos itu tidak panas). Keladaknya sepatutnya berwarna kelabu keputih-putihan. Jika ia berwarna hitam atau berminyak, ketepikan saja kereta itu.

Hidupkan enjin semula dan periksa minyak di dalam transmision automatik. Ia mestilah bersih tanpa ada bau terbakar.
? JURUJUAL mungkin cuba meyakinkan anda bahawa membuat uji pandu dalam jarak yang dekat seperti di sekitar sebuah bangunan sudah memadai. Ini tidak benar. Nyatakan kepadanya anda mahu membuat ujian jalan raya terhadap kereta itu. Jika jurujual itu tidak begitu berminat. Cari saja kereta di tempat lain.

Jalan yang anda rancang untuk dilalui mestilah termasuk jalan kering, jalan yang lengang, jalan berbukit, jalan tidak rata dan ruang letak kereta yang kosong. Semua meter pengukur mestilah berfungsi dengan baik terutama meter tekanan minyak dan suhu enjin. Jika tidak jangan beli kereta itu.

Pandulah ke jalan raya yang lengang dan tingkatkan kelajuan hingga 56 kmj, tranmision automatiknya mestilah bertukar tanpa sebarang bunyi atau tersentak-sentak. Jika kereta itu mempunyai sistem penukaran tangan, ia sepatutnya tidak melekat-lekat atau berkertak.

Perlahankan kereta itu hingga 10 kmj dengan mengenakan brek secara perlahan-lahan. Pastikan tidak ada sebarang bunyi. Kereta itu juga mestilah menjadi perlahan dalam keadaan lurus, tanpa terpusing ke kanan atau ke kiri.
? TINGKATKAN kelajuan hingga 25 - 30 kmj kemudian tekan brek secara mengejut (pastikan tiada kereta lain dibelakang anda). Kereta itu mestilah berhenti dengan cepat tanpa terpusing. Di dalam ruang letak kereta yang kosong dan rata, tekan brek hingga kereta itu betul-betul berhenti.

Tukar kepada gear undur dan undur pada kelajuan 6 kmj. Kemudian tekan brek hingga berhenti, tukar kepada gear depan dan seterusnya. Lakukan ini empat atau lima kali untuk menguji transmision. Semua penukaran mestilah lancar tanpa ada sebarang bunyi.

Pandu dalam corak nombor 8 untuk menguji tindak balas stering. Jika stering agak liat, ia mungkin berpunca daripada linkage atau sistem gantungan depan. Jangan beli kereta itu kecuali anda diberi jaminan bahawa masalah itu akan dibaiki.

Masih di dalam ruang letak kereta yang kosong. Tingkatkan kelajuan hingga kira-kira 30kmj dan lepaskan tangan dari stering selama beberapa saat. Kereta itu mestilah bergerak lurus dan tidak terbabas. Kemudian tekan brek perlahan-lahan tanpa memegang stering. Kereta itu juga mesti berhenti dalam keadaan lurus. Jika ia terpusing, nyatalah kereta ini ada masalah. Pastikan anda diberi jaminan bahawa masalah itu akan dibaiki.
? KEMUDIAN pandu kereta itu di jalan tidak rata yang anda pilih. Jangan beli kereta yang terlalu kuat bergegar atau melambung-lambung. Kereta itu mungkin mempunyai penyerap hentak spring atau bahagian-bahagian sistem gantungan yang rosak.

Ketika mendaki bukit. Tingkatkan kelajuan sehingga kira-kira 60 kmj. Kereta itu mestilah tidak tersangkut-sangkut. Jika hal ini berlaku, ini bermakna kereta itu mempunyai transmission yang rosak. Turun hingga ke pertengahan bukit, tukar kepada gear bebas dan pasang brek tangan. Kereta mestilah tetap apabila anda melepaskan kaki anda daripada pedal brek.

Setelah itu balik ke jalan raya biasa, hentikan kereta anda perhatikan ke belakang sebelum meneruskan perjalanan semula dan tingkatkan kelajuan hingga kira-kira 80kmj. Peningkatan kelajuan mestilah lancar dan pastikan tiada asap keluar di belakang dan tidak ada sebarang bunyi yang menunjukkan enjin tidak begitu baik. Jika pecutan (peningkatan kelajuan) mengambil masa lebih 15 saat, ini bermakna enjin tidak begitu baik dan mungkin memerlukan pembaikan dengan perbelanjaan yang mahal.
? KEMBALI semula ke ruang letak kereta. Setelah memasuki ruang letak kereta, biarkan enjin selama beberapa minit. Kemudian perhatikan ke bawah kereta sama ada terdapat titisan minyak atau tidak. Angkat penutup enjin dan periksa enjin sekali lagi untuk melihat sebarang kebocoran. Suruh jurujual memandu kereta tersebut melintasi ruang-ruang itu dan kemudian berpatah balik ke arah anda. Perhatikan sebarang keganjilan yang kelihatan pada kereta itu, sama ada bunyinya atau kawalannya.

Ada baiknya anda membawa kereta itu kepada seorang mekanik. Bawalah kereta itu ke stesen servis. Mekanik itu mungkin dapat meneliti beberapa kerosakan yang anda sendiri tidak nampak serta memastikan sama ada kerosakan yang anda kesan itu benar-benar serius atau tidak.

Mereka juga boleh membuat ujian tekanan terhadap enjin untuk memeriksa ring atau injap. Sebelum anda membuat pilihan periksa dulu geran kereta itu atau dokumen-dokumen lain. Nombor enjin dan lain-lain mestilah betul. Jangan sampai anda terbeli kereta curi.

Petikan daripada Berita Minggu
2 Oktober 2005

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Black swan in news

The drama Black swan, American drama with psychological thrilling scenes in news. The much controversial project  stared by Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis is currently in the list of top most searched things in the internet. Darren Aronofsky developed the black swan project with a peculiar approach and made under the banner of a New York Company. The dramatic scenes of White swan and black was is the re presentation of psychological approaches of life. It got nomination for the best picture, and Aronofsky  nominated best director. The white swan represents the bright side of our life and black swan represents the dark areas of our mind.

black swan drama

scene black swan

black swan photo

black swan image

black swan

scene of black swan drama

Jackie Chan Died?

hai readers..apa tajuk ni.betul ke? ntah FB pun tak tahu ni.. Tapi betul ke apa yang FB dengar khabar angin je semua ni..huhuhu..

Ye memang khabar angin je semua ni.. Mana ada Jackie Chan dah mati. semua tu hanya untuk mereka yang mahu mencari income lebih atas gosip ini.. FB ni termasuk ke..huhu..Jackie Chan sekarang berusia 56-tahun di gempar gempurkan mati bagi meninggikan kamatian selebriti pada 2011. tapi ini semua khabar angin saja k!

Dengar cerita, Jackie Chan mati tu hanyalah mati dalam Twitter. mungin deactivated. tapi khabar ini cepat merebak sehingga orang ramai ingat Jackie Chan mati. Memang Jackie Chan tidak semuda Jaden Smith tetapi dia tidak mati ok.. tapi tidak henti2 mengatakan dia mati. 

Ketika seorang selebriti seperti Jackie Chan meninggal dunia , benda yang terbaik ialah untuk mengesahkan berita ini tidak betul kepada semua sebelum mereka percaya. apa yang pasti, Jackie Chan mati hanyalah khabar angin bodoh untuk menambah senarai panjang selebriti yang telah meninggal pada 2011. Jackie Chan adalah TIDAK mati, dia masih hidup dan sihat. Gosip di Twitter hanya tipu, jangan percaya!

* Gosip semua tu..GOSIP
Anda Baca Fahmi Suka~~

Live cricket score blog

Live cricket score of semi final match of India and Pakistan will be published in the news vision blog, the best newspaper blog with latest news updates, regional news, entertainment columns cricket live score and details scoreboard live.

The semi final match between India and Pakistan will be a thrilling match.

bergambar dengan artis popular...

hai reader..lama jugak lah FB tak update blog ni..huhu..sibuk skit lah sekarang. maaf ye..baru hari ini sempat buka Fahmi Blog ni. baru tingat nak update blog..hehe..pada readers yang selalu datanf ke Fahmi Blog, maaf sangat-sangat sebab tak ada entry baru utk korang..hehe

em readers tengok tajuk entry ni, rasa apa ek? FB ni blagak ke poyo ke atau bleh percaya ke..hehehhe..em betul lah FB nak cerita ni. weekend hari tu FB pergi Sure HeboH kat Batu Kawan. terserempak beberapa orang artis..yang best nya FB sempat bergambar dengan salah sorang artis yang agak popular lah..hehehhe..jom tengok 

haa sekarang percaya tak lagi..hehehe..masa FB pergi amik gambar tu, biasa ja. tak ada lah nak kena berebut2..biasa sangat..tak exclusive sangat pun..hehehe..tapi apa2 pun bergambar dengan Cat Farish.hehehe

sorang lagi artis popular sekarang..Eira Syazira..dia bukan tengath menyanyi sekarang. dok cakap2 je. promote games apa ntah..hehehe

pengacara Bang Bang Boom..napa apa ye..FB tak bapa nak tahu lah..hehehehe

*Best gak pergi Sure Heboh tu. ada camera plak kan, memang best lah..ehhehhe

Anda Baca Fahmi Suka~~~

Version Galaxy Tab

The Verizon Wireless Samsung Galaxy Tab offers a new level of temptation, and a new level of frustration, for would-be Android tablet owners. Verizon's hardware is identical to Sprint's (and slightly inferior to T-Mobile's), and its $599 price is the same as those carriers' no-contract rates. It's a solid device, but Verizon loads up its tablet with lots of potentially useful software, most of which fails, some disastrously.

There are five models of the Galaxy Tab coming to the U.S., and this is PCMag's third Galaxy Tab review. For basics on the Galaxy Tab, check out our review of the Sprint Galaxy Tab ($399-599, 3.5 stars). Verizon's hardware is almost exactly the same as Sprint's, except that the device has a black back instead of a white one. Otherwise, it's the same responsive and powerful Android tablet with its 1GHz processor, dual cameras, Android 2.2 "Froyo" and 2GB of memory plus an included 16GB memory card. (T-Mobile's version has more memory: 16GB internal, plus a memory card slot.)

All the Galaxy Tabs should get roughly the same battery life as they all use the same 4,000 mAh battery, but I've achieved varying results based on how hard they have to run their 3G radios in midtown Manhattan. With one e-mail account pushing in the background I got 8 hours, 52 minutes of video playback time on the Verizon Tab, reflecting Verizon's excellent network coverage (and thus the Tab not having to push its radio too hard.) To compare, the Sprint model only lasted 6 hours and 32 minutes.

Verizon's pricing plans are some of the best available if you want to use 1GB to 3GB of data per month without taking on a contract. That's been the sweet spot for iPad users so far, and Tab users should consume a similar amount of data. To compare Verizon's and Sprint's pricing plans, check out our chart of Samsung Galaxy Tab prices on five U.S. carriers.
Then there's the software. That's where Verizon really tries, and where Verizon fails, at least for now.

New Zealand vs Sri Lanka cricket

In the semi final match of world cup cricket 2011 New Zealand under the leadership of Danial Vettori and Sri Lanka lead by Kumara Sangakkara are playing at Premadasa Stadium at Colombo. The toss of the semi final match was won by the New Zealand captain and elected to bat first. New Zealand scored 50 runs from 12 overs loosing only one wicket in the form of Brendon McCullum who scored 13 runs from 21 deliveries with one boundary. Brendon McCullum was bowled by Rangana Herath in the 7.1 over. 

Advantages and disadvantages of Jailbreak

Guys you have been using iPhone for a while either in factory unlocked or in Jailbroken based but do do you know what are the advantages and disadvantages of Jailbreak.

Today i will share with you some of them.

Advantages of Jailbreak
Firstly Jail break allows you to access the whole file system and second now your iPhone is open for the third party application means you can access apps which are available and access to those which are not available on the Apple app store.

Apple got its rules, restrictions which does not allow you to access whole file system but through Jailbreak you can access whole file system.

You can download apps from Cydia and through Cydia you can install Installous through both you download many more apps free of cost which are costly on app store but through both above installer you can download free of cost.

Disadvantage of Jail break

Jailbreak has many advantages but it has some disadvantage as well the first and main disadvantage is you can not update the firmware of your mobile.

to keep everything working properly the best way is to restore but after jailbroken you can not restore you cannot restore your device.

When we talk about third party apps so you cannot backup on iTunes

so here are some advantage and disadvantages of jailbreak i hop you like if you any query please do comment us or give us you feedback.

MSI has unveild gaming laptop with core i7 processor

Guys now a days every company is trying to design gaming laptop but dell has a brand by the name of Alien ware so now MSI has unveiled its gaming laptop the model number is MSi GX680 which is powered with an Intel's second generation Core i7 quad Core processor with the power of 4GB DDR3 memory and you can expand up to 16 GB of memory with the support of accelerated dual hard disk.

With the power of graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT their latest model 555M which support Direct X 11

This is one of the cool gaming laptop designed by MXI so far so good let see when it will launch than i will tell you more about it.

MSI did not share price so far.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

New Nintendo 3DS Review and Unboxing

New Nintendo 3DS Review and Unboxing...

Here is a nice and great video of Nintendo 3DS. We all want to know what's new in this Nintendo. This is really great Nintendo with new charging techniques.

Here's the video:

HP has unveiled HP EliteBook notebook , 8460, 8560

HP has unveiled their new series for business users under this series two models HP EliteBook notebook

HP EliteBook which is particularly designed for business users model number are 8460 and 8560, you will surprised to see above laptop models that they are design with metal covers and are specifications are vary depending upon user requirement

When we talk about specifications so HP has introduced HP EliteBook with with three different processor speed the best Intel's second generation family processor Core i7 quad core processor
The second option Intel's Core i7
The third option Intel's Core i5
The fourth option Intel's i3 dual core processor

This isn't all display ranging from 14 inch up to 15.6 inches, when we talk about battery life so this HP EliteBook offers battery life up to 32 hours depending on the specification you go for, the more specification the less battery time and the less specification the more battery time.

The prices of HP EliteBook 8460 is not released so far and this will be launched in first of week of April

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 28, 2011

35 Stunning HD Retina Wallpapers for iPhone 4

iPhone 4 has the best display screen any mobile can offer. When iPhone 4 came out, there was a lot of buzz going around about the Retina display it had. Rightly so, Retina display offers the best combination of resolution, colors and size. We can safely say, iPhone 4′s retina display has changed the way we read text on mobile, forever.
The resolution of iPhone 4′s display is 640×960. So, the wallpapers made for the previous versions of iPhone won’t look good on it. We have looked and looked, and we have found these stunning wallpapers for iPhone 4. These iPhone 4 wallpapers are going to rock your iPhone. Click on any wallpaper to view it in full-size, or Right Click and “Save Target as” to save.

Nokia C5-03 Review

The Nokia C5-03 is clinging onto the past with all its might. Nokia has just teamed-up with Microsoft to pump out its own Windows Phone handsets, but the Nokia S5-03 is stuck with the Symbian operating system. It's not the Symbian^3 OS released in October 2010 alongside the Nokia N8 either - this is Symbian S60 version 5, used in the Nokia N97 way back in the prehistoric age of 2009. 


Nokia C2-01

The new Nokia C201 is nice looking and very light mobile with 3G feature. It has 3.15 MP of camera and also have other latest features of other mid range mobile phones like, speaker phone, Bluetooth, usb etc.  This is the new budged range of 3G Mobiles from Nokia. If you are not able to afford high range of 3G mobiles then it’s a very good option to enjoy 3G features at very affordable prices.


Nokia X2-01

Nokia X2-01 Price In Pakistan Is 8300 (Introductory). X2 01 Camera Is VGA With No Flash But Has A 4x Digital Zoom. Like With Any XpressMusc Phone, Nokia X2-01 Has Excellent Music Features With FM Recording Option. Running On S40 OS, This Mobile Is Ideal For Low-End Users Who Want Music Features And Can Compromise On Camera.


Nokia finally reveals its plans for the Symbian^3 future

The Nokia vice president Purnima Kochikar has jus released an open letter to developers, revealing the company's plans about their Symbian^3 platform. Apparently the Finns are planning to continue releasing new smartphones running on Symbian^3 as well as regular updates for the OS itself.
Those new devices should bring 1GHz+ CPUs and faster GPUs to Symbian^3. Kochikar also says that the company will make full use of its expertise in location-based services and imaging to make its new Symbian^3 smartphones more attractive.
Of course, it's the UI that's currently holding the Symbian lineup back, but Nokia plans to do something about that too. There are several updates that should dramatically improve user experience in the pipeline. The first one is pretty major, delivering a brand new home screen, new flexible widgets, new icons (pictured left), a faster browser, new Navbar and a fresh look and feel to Ovi Store and Ovi Maps, including integration of social media services in Ovi Maps.
That first update should come some time in the summer. In fact several of its components have already made their way to the Nokia C7 Astound that should hit T-Mobile US in a week.

Unfortunately, once again we didn't get the answer to the most important question - how long will the Symbian^3 support last? Apparently Nokia will only be able to answer this once they enter the WP7 market and see how things go there.
Still the company promised that it won't be dropping the Symbian^3 support immediately even if their first devices with the Microsoft turn out to be a huge success. Nokia says that it will be offering some support until the natural lifecycle of the Symbian^3 smartphones has ended in an attempt to convince users to switch to the WP7 after that.
On some markets such as China, India, Russia and Turkey, the Symbian^3 smartphone platform will continue to be marketed alongside Windows Phone 7.

Nokia E72 - hands-on @ CTIA

Here’s an hands-on video of the Nokia E72 at the CTIA. The Nokia E72 comes to succees the E71. The smartphone boasts some nice features, such as a 5-megapixel camera, 3.5mm jack and fast 10.2Mbps HSDPA. It also has a compass and a new messaging application.


Nokia Astound Hands-on

PhoneArena presents a video hands-on with the Nokia Astound (Nokia C7). The Nokia C7 Astound is a powerful combination of internet, video, photos, music, maps with Symbian^3 operating system. With a large 3.5″ AMOLED capacitive touch screen supporting pinch to zoom, social networking integration, a 8 megapixel Full Focus camera with dual LED flash, shooting 720p HD video, NFC, On Demand Web TV and A-GPS, you can create, discover and share a world of creativity. Additionally, for the software developers, the device includes Qt 4.7.2, Java MIDP 2.1, Bluetooth 3.0 and Flash Lite 4.0.

The Nokia C7 Astound brings also compatibility with popular internet video formats and desktop Flash. Nokia has released a customizable open source Web TV app template for content providers to mobilize their existing Web TV services and deploy them on Nokia Symbian^3 devices. The template has been created and used in a collaboration with dozens of globally acclaimed broadcasters.


iPhone 4 vs. HTC Thunderbolt Part 2


HTC’s ThunderBolt is Verizon’s first 4G LTE smartphone. It’s one big, bad mamajama. Can it compete with iPhone 4? Does it blow iPhone away? Noah takes a look.


Britney Spears in Femme Fatale

Britney Spears in Femme FataleThe artist again in news with the new album Femme Fatale. The days of long expectation for Britney Spears  in Femme Fatale ending tomorrow. Britney Spears again the top list with her sparking eyes and pretty dance and sex wears. The pop star girl is confident about the new album Femme Fatale. The pop lady originally named as Britney Jean Spears is about to defeat all records made in the past. The world around fans of Britney ready to feel the new beats. All of them are in good belief and hot hearten to hear as they hear baby one more time. All media reports and internet block buster keep in mind that Britney Spears will create a new trended establishment in the music world. The best selling female artist highly committed with her works with Femme Fatale. The media, TV channels, online newspapers, blog writers and news reporters are about to report the release of her album on March 29 of 2011. The seventh album with this huge title will surely flow into the heart of every music lovers.

Britney Spears Femme Fatale

Britney Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale Britney

Britney Spears

Britney Spears new album
Britney Spears in Femme Fatale