Adobe AIR is a technology invented by Adobe that can be used by the developers to develop highly interactive internet and media applications for multiple platforms.It is designed as a cross-operating system runtime that enables web developers to use their existing web development skills,code,tools and new rich web applications.The applications which used inside a browser are now capable of running directly through your desktop.Adobe AIR runtime allows Adobe AIR applications to be deployed on computers and devices running on
Linux operating system.

GMDesk is an cool application that lets the user to run Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Maps as a stand-alone application to do all your mail handling, calendar event reading etc.It provides an easy menu as well as keyboard shortcuts to switch between different Google services.
ReadAIR is a desktop application for reading your Google Reader feeds without opening a browser.ReadAir accesses the same online data as Reader in the browser, anything you do in one will reflect in the other.
Google Analytics Reporting Suite is an Adobe AIR Application that brings Google Analytics to the desktop. It uses it's own custom API to interact with Google and nearly implements all features of Analytics.With a host of features that help you understand how you can improve your website.
Flickr Desktop Search is a Useful Abode AIR App that will help you locate any information you need from the Flickr website and help to search Flicker images right from your desktop.It is simple and easy to use application.
ImageDropr is a Flex based AIR application.It is a new tool for uploading your images to flickr. You will simply drag your images into the application at which time your global flickr tags are automatically applied.You may add some additional tags to the entire upload set or click into the image’s settings to further customize the image properties.
Flickr Flipper is an Adobe AIR application that allows you to search for Flickr photo and photos from specific Flickr users. Flicker Flipper use a Papervision to display the photos once a time and even allows you to download the photos. Currently it only returns up to 100 photos of your search.
Snoto is a desktop application used for browsing your recent photos as well as the recent photos of others. With this you loads up your latest photos, allowing you to view larger versions of them, do a slideshow, or load up the photos from any of your contacts.
AIRTube Video Downloader is a Adobe AIR App used for download YouTube FLV videos by simply dragging or pasting in the video’s URL and downloading is start.When the video completely downloads the application will expand and show you a preview of the video.
UvLayer is a social video application where you can discover, watch, collect and share video media.This App help to Organize, play, and share videos, photos, and games on your PC, mobile phone, or gaming device such as the PS3.You can watch any clip, share it with friends, see related clips, leave a comment or see the activity going.
Mooflair is a downloadable desktop application available on the Adobe Air platform that allows you to search,store or download flv files to your desktop.It helps the user to manage and watch both online or offline FLVs videos.
Adobe Media Player is an Adobe AIR Desktop Application that provide high-quality video playback of stream,download,or locally store video content.It let the user to find and watch video content,manage their video library ,including videos previously saved to your computer.
12. Websnapshot is a simple Adobe AIR Application from which will let the user to take screenshot of any webpage easily.You simple type the URL of webpage ,drag and drop ,adjust the size of snapshot,choose setting like path to save file and take screenshot automatically.
Colorpicker is a widget-like that let the user to choose a "Web-safe"color from a color grid or design a color with sliders to adjust values of color.Once you select the color you just click on the corresponding "Copy to Clipboard" button to copy the hexidecimal color code for the color and paste it into your HTML code.It also keeps a list of all color that you select to the clipboard during your session so that we can review and copy the heximal code again.
Pixus is a cool adobe apllication that is pixel-based ruler for objects on your computer.It has skins for Internet Explorer 6 and Safari so that you can visualize how a design or object looks in a web browser.
ColourLovers is a Desktop Color Finder AIR application that can use to search our entire database of near about 1 millon named colors and 300,00 uses palettes.
Font Picker is a best application that previews your text using different typefaces to help select from the fonts installed on your computer.It show you all the fonts installed on your computer and help you to choose which one is most suitable for a particular project.It can be run without installation.
Klok is a cool Adobe AIR Application only for time tracking for those working on multiple clients, projects or tasks.User can even make a "start & stop" to calculate the time of the task that worked on and automatically adds it to the timetable.
BOKS is an Adobe AIR Application that works on Windows,MAC and Linux that provides for blueprint CSS's framework.It has been designed for those who think the Grid System is good but never took the time.
Icon Generator is a useful but little application that lets you to generate a CS3 or Web 2.0 style icon only in 3 step.first step to Pick Color,Second step to Type Characters and Last step to Save It.Just create 4 different sizes of the icon.
Color Browser is an browsing application that help to create and organize your color palettes.A sets of colors are easily available in a clean interface in which you edit,rearrange,create new sets and make them own.
MiniTask is a cool application with lightweight task manager with a surprising number of features.It is easy-to-use task management application that helps you to organize your daily todos very quickly. It supports features like drag and drop reorder, alarm timers, task sheet printing and customisation of styles.
Skimmeris a new Adobe AIR Application that allows user to keep tabs on all your different feeds using a single desktop interface.It also support it supports Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, Flickr, and Youtube.user are also upload photos and video from the Skimmer dashboard.
DiggTop is an cool Adobe AIR Application for windows and MacOSX that lets you view a blended list of your favourite Digg topic ever.
Facedesk is a cool application that work when installed becomes a stand-alone applcation to do all your facebook surfing with it.You not need to open it up in a web browser or have it clutter your workspace.
Photoshop Express Uploader is a new application that let you browse for photos to add to the uploader tool. User can add photos, as user can choose to add them to their existing albums in Photoshop.It allow user to upload photos from any internet-connected computer.
Livebrush is an awesome drawing application that create original designs with just a few brush strokes.LiveBrush uses various brush styles to create amazing works of art with few strokes.Livebrush is a small bit of Corel Draw, Painter and Photoshop.
Lupo Manager is an Adobe AIR app that allow the user to extract strings easily from their source code,manages bundles and implemented i18n logic in their Adobe AIR App.
.eBay Desktop is a desktop application built on Adobe AIR.The company expand its services to include a powerful and easy-to-use desktop application that provides customers with next-generation online shopping experiences.
Popling is a cool desktop application that gives you an extra POP motivation by showing you a flash card every few minutes.You can turn app on and off,so it doesn't bug you when you don't want to be disturbed.
.Xdrive Desktop Lite is an optional client-side application use with Xdrive, a free online file storage service.It is easy-to-use interface that enables the users to drag and drop files directly to their Xdrive® account from their local computer.User can also share,browse,preview,publish files with their account.
.Blokt is a best application that is sure to put your problem solving skills to the test! Through a series of progressively difficult levels, you must slide the blocks to allow the red block to exit.
AgileAgenda is a project scheduling utility focused on allowing project managers to enter data about particular task.This application is capable of dynamically changing or adjusting conditions that araises during a project life cycle.It usally support the sharing of data through XML,PDF and web based view.
Twhirl is a social software desktop client based on the Adobe AIR Platform.It let the user some features i.e run boh Windows(XP\Vista)and MAc OSX,displays notifications for new messages,shorten long URLs,automatically find tweets mentioning your @username,English spell checking and connects to multiple Twitter,, Friendfeed and Seesmic Video accounts.
.Posty is an award winning application that automatically deliver your messages to the services you select amoung these Twitter, Jaiku, Tumblr, Friendfeed etc.
AirTalkr is a Chatting Application that is work like multi-protocol Instant Messenger that connects to MSN, Yahoo!, GTalk, AOL and ICQ.AirTalkr is build on Adobe Flex, packaged as AIR file, and connects to Openfire server on the backend.
diggREADER is a Adobe AIR Application that lets you easily check top, front page, and upcoming stories from Digg without having to have the page sitting in a tab, forcing you to refresh.It provides easy yo use interface,view front page,search for stories on digg.
ShareFire is a nicely designed reader for your RSS feeds that's based on Adobe AIR.It is a feature-rich news aggregator that lets you share stories via AIM, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, email and more with no copying and pasting, or dragging and dropping.
WebKut is an Adobe AIR Application that allow you to capture web pages or some part of them in very simple way.It provides you three capturing options i.e the entire page, the current view, or only a selection.
.Lita is an administration interface for SQLite databases. It lets you to edit your databases structure and data in a dedicated enviroment.
Polaris is a free desktop reporting client for Google Analytics and it is free for everyone who manages one or more website profile.
Moderator is a simple desktop application built using Abode AIR that can easily manage your Wordpress Comments from your Desktop.It is an Adobe Air application which is designed to showcase the moderated comments on a WordPress.
Bookmash is an mashup Application of web technology that found on Internet.This is work on Windows,Mac OS and Linux.You can search wide open, covering sites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Seeqpod, Flickr, and more, or you can narrow your search based on the type of content you're looking for.
Kuler Desktop is an Adobe AIR Application that allow the user to browse and search color themes from kuler.It is a online application that will create and share color harmonies.Drag and drop themes as transparent "tear offs," to scale and view over any application.
DestroyTwitter is a Twitter client built on the Adobe AIR platform. It let you features like complete direct messaging functionality. Messages and tweets can be replied to with the original visible for quick and easy reference. A search function is also available to track anything that’s being talked about.
Snippely is a simple basic text and code organizational tool.Other then that it storing bits of code, quick notes, and memory in text files all over your hard drive. This application will let you save and organize "snippets" in one convenient location.
FLVPlay HD is a cross-platform FLV(Flash Video) media player developed on Adobe Air. Players like VLC Media Player, Media Player Classic, GOM Player, etc are all able to play flv video files, even the default Windows Media Player in Windows 7 can play .flv format.The main goal of FLVPlay HD is to provide the user one central place for all his videos regardless the location of the asset.
Shrink-O-Matic is an Adobe AIR Application that easily resize images.It handles JPGs, GIFs and PNGs files.You can simple drag and drop images then they will resizes as per your choose.Option are available
to choose your output sizes,names and formats.
MINI DIgg client brings the latest news from digg to your also allow you to store the stories to your computer.
Doomi is a simplest way to manage tasks of your browser.The app allows you to reorganize your to-dos i.e drag and drop.It is easy to get rid of which saves a lot of precious desktop space and not need to open your browser.
Pownce Desktop 2.0 is a desktop application that makes it even faster to read and send more notes to your friends.Pownce was one of the very early adopters of AIR and this new client runs on Beta 3 of the AIR runtime.
Download and Enjoy it!
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