Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cydia 1.1 Released – Major Update | Speed and Memory Improvements| Lots More

Cydia – the leading (and currently only) iOS jailbreak app store – has received a major update today, to Version 1.1.1. The list of what’s new in 1.1.1 includes:
    • the ability to run and operate Activator, libstatusbar, and SimulatedKeyEvents while Cydia is running
    • an overall speed improvement, including the “Loading Changes” dialog
    • “much less” memory usage
    • a more advanced search mechanism with a new relevancy algorithm
    • better management of broken repositories
    I’ve just updated Cydia on my iPhone 4. It needed a couple of restarts of Cydia and a restart of springboard to get Cydia itself and other package changes fully done. It does seem a little snappier in just a quick runaround the app, looking at the Manage area and installed packages as well as looking at the main sections and individual app pages. Having said that, individual app pages still vary wildly in their loading and general appearance – individual repos are still left to their own devices, without any standards imposed, from what I can gather.
    For a great rundown of what is in – and not in – this Cydia upgrade, see this interview of Saurik (Jay Freeman), the creator of Cydia, by our friends at iPhone Download Blog:http://www.iphonedownloadblog.com/2011/03/15/saurik-what-to-and-what-not-to-expect-from-the-next-version-of-cydia/
    What do you all think of the new Cydia so far?  Better, faster, cleaning more stains than other detergents?


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