Friday, July 3, 2009

How to Avoid Over heating of iPhone 3G & 3GS?

The iPhone 3G and 3GS have faced a strange problem of over heating which has been highlighted on a lot of websites. Recently, Apple came out with a set of guidelines and tips to avoid the over heating problem. I am sure it will help you to avoid burning your iPhone or may be yourself. You can also apply these tips to the previous versions of iPhone. Read below the guidelines from Apple:iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS should be used in environments where temperatures remain between 32 degrees and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures outside of this range could decrease battery life temporarily or effect performance.iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS should be stored in locations where temperatures remain between -4 degrees and 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Note: Temperatures within sealed motor vehicles can exceed 113 degrees Fahrenheit.iphone wallpaper, apple iphone, avoid over heating of iphone

iPhone owners who don’t follow these suggested best-practices could experience any of the following “symptoms:” iPhone could randomly cease charging iPhone display could become less bright iPhone cellular connection could weaken or diminish iPhone temperature warning screen could appear, rendering your device useless except for making emergency phone calls

Apple also included the following suggestions, though most of these are simply common sense, at least for experienced gadget users:

Don’t leave your iPhone in a vehicle during a hot dayDon’t leave your iPhone in direct sunlight for any extended period of time-Avoid using data intensive applications, like GPS or streaming-media apps, for extended periods of time on hot days or while in direct sunlight.Beside this, i also came across tips by the PC Magazine team and i will share them with our readers as well.First of all, you should try not to use too many applications at once on a hot day or while out in the sun, since your device is more likely to overheat. As a rule of thumb, the more tasks your device is performing, the more battery life it will need, and in turn, the hotter that battery and its surrounding components will get.

Secondly, don’t worry about it if your iPhone gets warm. All mobile devices, cell phones, netbooks, laptops, etc., tend to heat up on hot days or during extended use. However, if your device seems to be getting uncommonly hot to the touch or it’s too hot to handle for long, turn it off and let it cool down.

Finally, if you must use an iPhone or other device in steamy environs, try to keep it in the shade or at least out of the direct sunlight. I wear a baseball hat constantly, but in addition to showing my support for the best team in baseball–Go Red Sox!!–it also works great as an “umbrella” or sorts for my iPhone or BlackBerry.

I keep both my iPhone and BlackBerry busy in the car, getting GPS driving directions and listening to Pandora Radio via my stereo Bluetooth FM transmitter, which is sure to get any mobile device nice and toasty. But I keep them out of the sun by throwing my hat down on top while they’re in use.

[via PC Mag]

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